LABOREDUCER Customized Products or Accessories & Components Ordering Listing


  • 1) The buyer tells the seller what he/she wants by sending mails or making a call.
  • 2) The seller communicate with the buyer about all the details and then tell the buyer about the total cost.
  • 3) After coming to an agreement, the buyer can order by this listing at the exact agreed price.
  • 4) The seller shall prepare the customized goods and then send out to the buyer.
  • 5) Note: Do not place any orders before coming an agreement with the seller.
SKU: DZCP Category:

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Product Description

What’s this listing for?
1) Some customers may need some products that is not standard for selling, thus they can tell what they need and buy from this listing for the customized products after coming an agreement with us.
2) Some customers may need some extra accessories or components after ordering one or more standard products. But the accessories or components are not listed comprehensively for selling, so they can purchase by ordering from this listing for the right item.
3) Some other similar situations.

How to process an order with this listing?
1) The buyer tells the seller what he/she wants by sending mails or making a call.
2) The seller communicate with the buyer about all the details and then tell the buyer about the total cost.
3) After coming to an agreement, the buyer can order by this listing at the exact agreed price.
4) The seller shall prepare the customized goods and then send out to the buyer.
5) Kindly note the picture in this listing is just for a reference.


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